Friday, April 29, 2011


A few weekends ago it was my little sisters SENIOR prom (I still can't believe she is a senior), she went wither her boyfriend Jared! She looked gorgeous and I think she had a pretty good time too!!! Macy did her own hair, she loves doing that kind of stuff, after a little stress it turned out perfect!!

I love this picture because it just shows the silliness of my dad! He didn't really want to see her go off to prom, so he tried to stay away!! 

 I did a little egg hunt for Dallas, I had fun thinking of what to put in the eggs. I put words of what I loved about him, random toys, and of course candy...and a little secret surprise!!! I wrote on the sidewalk a riddle, which he total bi-passed as he walked inside after work! It was funny because the egg hunt ended up being an egg hunt for me too because I forgot where I hid a few...opps!!

I took this picture because I hid a tie in our garage; Dallas could not find it! But there it is he looks like he starring right at it...but he's not!!

My "hidden" Easter basket from the Easter bunny (he came a day early!) I actually thought a neighbor hid it in our yard for their kids and was scared to take it!
Dallas opening his eggs and reading his notes!! I loved how supportive he was and acted like he had fun!!! He is a GREAT sport of my silly ideas!
 My Mom's Easter Surprise
I loved this year's Easter! Saturday my mom did a scavenger egg hunt, and it was so much fun!!! She hid eggs around Farmington and we had to go search and find them. In each egg my mom had a rhyme that led us to our next destination, my mom is so creative when it comes to this stuff!! The eggs took us to my family favorite spots like the church, lagoon trail, baseball field etc... We had so much fun here are some pictures of our EGG-stravagant egg hunt.
before we started our egg hunt my mom had us dye much fun!!

This is our first destination, the baseball field, but Dallas just wanted to swing instead of hunt for the egg! Silly boy!

Next we had to take a picture of us at the bank and sent it to my mom to receive our next clue!

There were several other destinations in between the last picture and this picture. This picture we went to our old elementary school and there was bubbles there. We had to act crazy and take a picture and sent it to my mom!

Our last egg we found had ten gold coins inside, we had to take the coins and go buy dessert for our Delicious Easter dinner! We had so much fun!

After we got home my mom did yet again another surprise, an egg hunt! She hid several eggs around our yard and we searched and searched!! This picture is of one of our eggs; the bracelets you crack and shake and they glow in the dark (I forgot the name)
On Easter Sunday we went to church, and then spent the day with Dallas's family! I was kinda sad because this is the first year I missed the annual Craythorne family egg hunt, and I love watching the kids!! But it was a great day non-the less! Now it is snowing, and I really cannot believe it!!

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